How to get a PERFECT Fitting Blouse Stitched
A perfect fitting blouse is the first thing that pops our mind When we think about Saris. Gone are the days when a blouse could be anything you wanted to wear with your saree; nowadays, a blouse must be fashionable and well-fitting. A custom sewn blouse, rather than a prefabricated one, is the greatest option […]
Old-School Fashion Trends Making a Comeback in 2022

Old-School Fashion Trends makes a comeback once a decade, style goes through a series in which some items become must-have apparel once more. Designers frequently draw inspiration from the past when creating a collection or a red-carpet masterpiece. Many designers adore classic retro styles and wish to bring them back with a modern touch to […]
A Silk Route to know everything about Silk Fabric
A Silk Route to know everything about Silk Fabric Silk Fabric is an animal fiber generated by certain insects and arachnids for the construction of cocoons and webs, some of which can be utilized to make exquisite garments. Silk filaments from tamed silkworm cocoons are almost totally used in commercial applications. Silk is a natural […]
A 5-minute guide to Linen Fabric
A 5-minute guide to Linen Fabric The flax plant is used to make linen fabric, which is a durable, lightweight fabric. The Latin name for flax, Linum usitatissimum, is the source of the word linen. Because the fabric threads are woven in a straight line, the word “linen” is related to the word “line.” Linen […]
A 10-minute dive into Velvet Fabric: Everything you need to know
A 10-minute dive into Velvet Fabric: Everything you need to know Velvet Fabric is a silky, opulent fabric distinguished by a rich pile of evenly cut threads with a smooth nap. Due to the features of the short pile fibers, velvet has a wonderful drape and a particularly soft and lustrous appearance. velvet, in textiles, […]
A Thread On Cotton Fabric : Complete Guide
A Thread On Cotton Fabric: Complete Guide Cotton is a soft fluffy fiber with grows in a protective casing around the seeds of cotton plants. Cotton fibers are natural hollow fibers; they are soft, cool, known as breathable fibers and absorbent. Cotton fibers can hold water 24–27 times their own weight. They are strong, dye […]
Top 10 Famous Fabrics In India
There are thousands of weaving patterns in India because of the country’s climate and biodiversity. Indien’s textile tradition has been shaped by many factors, such as the climate, geography, local cultural customs, and raw material availability among others. In India, the fabric is made from a variety of raw materials, including silk, cotton, jute, and […]